How does section 80g of income tax help charitable causes

corporate social responsibility

Section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961 has served the purpose of promoting welfare for all. The provision allows taxpayers to claim any deductions on the donations that they make to specific institutions. They can reduce the taxable income or in turn, their overall tax liability. 80g income tax can be accessed or availed by both companies and individuals. It has certain limits between 50% to 100% which will vary from institution and purpose. One must understand what institutions or individuals are eligible to make these claims.

Who can avail of the claimTo avail of deduction under the section 80G provision, there are eligibility requirements. For instance, the taxpayer must have a receipt that is also called an 80G certificate from the institution to which they intend to donate. Any taxpayer whether local or not can claim a deduction if the donated money meets the prescribed requirements. The taxpayers can claim a deduction on the total gross income. There are different modes of payments available like demand drafts, cheques, cash donations if below rupees 2000 etc. 

Read along to understand the benefits this provision has to charitable institutions and taxpayers.

1.Promoting Philanthropy

The provision under section 80G encourages private individuals and other entities to contribute to a social course and support the works of different institutions. Offering such tax deductions and benefits will help foster a philanthropic mindset for the people. It presents itself as an opportunity to engage in societal welfare. For instance, sustainability has become a need of the hour making donations to promote sustainable initiatives would promote the causeway and at the same time provide tax benefits to the giver.

2. Transparent funding

The donations made will take place through legitimate channels ensuring maximum transparency. You wouldn’t have to worry about the accountability as well. Institutions will have to meet certain eligibility criteria only after which they can accept donations. The funds given will have to be dealt with through proper channels, so you wouldn’t have to worry about it being mismanaged or unaccounted for.

3. Incentives

The provision acts as a financial incentive to companies or individuals who want to give back to society. It will incentivize giving by making charities more affordable and attractive as they reduce the after-tax cost of donations. It is good news to the institutions as the givers who were reluctant to make their donations because of restrictions can now enjoy the relief.

4. Overall societal impact

Needless to mention, the taxpayers or Givers who contribute to these courses can gain recognition for their philanthropic or charitable efforts. It will have an overall positive impact which can enhance the reputation. This holds to businesses or companies that seek to build their goodwill. It allows private individuals or citizens to engage as socially conscious members. All the efforts culminated will help address local issues and help foster sustainable development.


As an overview section, 8G Provides incentives and helps create a community of giving and sharing. It promotes overall social welfare by contributing to the betterment. 80g donation has a wide impact as it calls for volunteering for a common cause. As it has a structured and formal mechanism to channel the funds, it will ensure transparency in its utilization as well. Understand how the provision works and make informed decisions before you engage in this journey towards a sustainable future.

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